Thursday, March 16, 2017

Red Mountain

  • Your story should a beginning middle and end, descriptive words, long and short sentences and capital letters and full stops.
  • Your story could have paragraphs, speech and speech marks, alliteration onomatopoeia  and similes      
Once upon a Saturday Sinclyre and Kingston wanted to climb the red mountains. Sinclyre is the one on the right by the sign with green shorts and black adidas. Kingston is the one on the left with the dark brown shorts and light brown converse. Sinclyre said “this is going to fun”Kingston said “ yeah” so kingston ran to one of the red mountains “WHEAT” said Sinclyre  “these aren't any red mountains these red mountains are slippery to climb so I'll run back home you will stay here and i'll get our pickaxes so we can be the first ones to climb a red mountain.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Swing Bridge

WALT - use our senses and the 5 W’s when writing

The photographer sees an ugly broken bridge. He also sees yucky green water. He is scared because if he crosses the bridge it might break and he doesn't know if the water is shallow or not. He shook the bridge and it sounded like it was going to collapse. He was scared because he fell in the water.There could’ve been eels and crocodiles in the water. If he crosses that bridge he might die so the photographer walked away from the bridge and lived happily for rest of his of his life.